
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

In God We Trust

That phrase appears in our legal system and on our money, but most people know it from our money. It is engraved on every coin and every bill from the penny to the hundred dollar bill.  In 1973 the United States came off the gold standard; that meant the only thing that gave our currency its worth was our faith that a dollar was worth a dollar. It seems to me that people today have more faith in the money than in the God that phrase refers to.

Psalm 118:8 says ‘It is better to trust in the Lord, than to trust in man.’ I believe one can take that to include man made things such as money. Why do we have more faith in our money than in God? The answer is simple. Money is here. We can feel it, hold it, control it. It can give us many of the things we want. But most of all it gives us the illusory feeling of control over our lives. The more money we make or have the more control we think we have.  Control is the weapon that Satan uses in many cases to undermine faith. If we can’t control it, we don’t tend to have faith in it.

Obviously we can’t control God. Nor can we see God. So does that mean that God is not worthy of our trust and faith? Absolutely not! He is the only one worthy of our trust and faith! Even more so that anything we can see and touch!  1 John 2:17 says ‘The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.’ Why would we want to put our faith in something that is going to pass away? As in gone, ciao, sayonara,  hasta la vista, baby.  1 Corinthians 7:31 says ‘ …for this world in its present form is passing away.’

To me that sounds that like if we are putting our faith in something other than in God, we are in big trouble. Money is interchangeable with anything you like. It could be faith in your job, yourself, your family, other gods even!(which don’t exist by the way) The point is if we are putting our faith in things that are of this world, we don’t have just a small problem. This is a huge problem, BIG, GIGANTIC. Your salvation depends on where your faith is. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to God and into Heaven when this world passes away. If you do have faith in Christ but have mistakenly put a little more of your faith into something else then maybe you should think about why you trust things of this world more than God. He is the God of the Universe after all.  He did send His Son to save us from eternal separation from Him. After all Jeremiah 17:7 says ‘Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord.’ Sounds like a no-brainer to me!

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