
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


In today’s world it seems we all have a million things to do everyday. Our kids are involved in almost every sport imaginable. They are involved in various clubs at school and the availability of activities to keep our kids occupied is endless. Throw into that work, a home to keep up and our never ending list of work, social, church and other commitments and it seems we don’t stop. When we wake up we have to hit the ground running to keep up with the schedule we set for ourselves.  Where in the break-neck pace, do we put God and our relationship with Him?

If we answer honestly, most of us will say last. We try to get to Him at the end of the day. I am no exception to that rule. My preferred time to visit with God is after everyone else has gone to bed.  And I succeed in visiting with Him about every third night. Why, you might ask if that is my preferred time to have my quiet time with Him do I fail at it so often? The answer is quite simple. I am exhausted by the end of the day.  I am a night owl by nature, but even I am exhausted after a day of chasing a three year old, running my daughter to and from school, cleaning the house, and doing the various other things that a wife and mother has to take care of. So a lot of times I fall asleep mid prayer. 

So that being the case begs the question of why don’t I just get up early to do my bible study, well to quote a t-shirt that a very dear friend of mine has, “Not a morning person, does not even begin to describe it”. I am not a morning person, never have been and never will be. So I have to find other times of the day to make up for those nights that I fall asleep mid-prayer.

I have learned that if you don’t make taking time for God a priority then you will never have time for God.  I have gone to taking time mid-day and reading, doing a bible study or just sitting and listening to God. (Now I know that surprises some of you that know me. Yes I can be quiet. I don’t have to talk God’s ear off.)  Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God.”  Sometimes we just have to stop what we are doing and listen and remember that he is God. No matter how busy our day is, He is still God and if He really wants our attention He can get it.

He didn’t send His Son to die on the cross so that we could be slaves to our schedules and occasionally find time to spend with Him.  He did it to save us from sin and an eternity separated from Him. All He asks in return is that we love Him, ‘with all our heart and with all our soul, and with all our mind.’ Mt 22:37.  Seems like a pretty good trade off to me.  So where is God on your list of priorities?

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